Amid all the speculation about the launch of PUBG Mobile India, a huge claim has been made! According to the claim, the popular PUBG Mobile India game should be launched tomorrow, that is, January 19. The report about PUBG Mobile India’s return to the Indian gaming market started after the release of a teaser trailer.
According to Zee News, a teaser has been released that talks about the possible launch of PUBG Mobile India. A YouTube video has also appeared showing that PUBG Mobile India can be played anytime from January 15th to January 19th!
The video post about the PUBG Mobile India launch states that “the teaser will feature some of India’s biggest PUBG manufacturers.” In a Twitter post by Maxtern, who on Twitter describes himself as a veteran in casting pubs, COD and Free Fire, he tweeted that a ‘killer’ ad would be released from January 15 to January 19.
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Millions of PUBG fans in India are eagerly awaiting the launch of PUBG Mobile India and there is speculation that the game will continue till the very popular Battle Royal game is launched in India.
For its part, PUBG has kept the pot to boil every time with several announcements about PUBG Mobile India. It should be noted that many people are claiming that PUBG Mobile India will launch soon, but most of these claims are without solid evidence.
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